Humanities Now: Global Encounters The sixth ECHIC conference will be hosted by the University of Macerata (in central Italy), from April 21st to 22nd, 2016. In line with the main purpose of ECHIC, the 2016 conference will explore issues that are particularly relevant to the arts and humanities, foremost among these the question of research ‘impact’ which is currently defined according to narrow notions of utility and economic benefit. We invite contributions that offer fresh perspectives on the public value of the humanities. As scholars have been arguing both in Europe and the US, a persistent sense of crisis dominates present day accounts of the humanities. The 2016 ECHIC conference aims to respond to this perception and its attendant ‘rhetoric of gloom’ by focusing on what constitutes ‘success’ in the humanities. The intention is to showcase examples of success as well as to stimulate reflection on how to train humanities scholars for an increasingly competitive funding environment. All ECHIC members are invited to attend and to present work being supported by their institutions.